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New member of the Board of Management - Supervisory Board appoints Fritz Gattermayer effective January 1, 2009 and confirms investment programme of approx. EUR 75m for the current fiscal year 2008|09

In its meeting on November 13, 2009, AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG’s Supervisory Board elected Fritz Gattermayer a new member of the company’s Board of Management effective January 1, 2009.


AGRANA – After raw-materials-induced loss in first six months, significant improvement is expected in second half of 2008|09

Good crops in 2008 have put an end to high raw material prices


AGRANA - Q1 2008|09: Revenue grows while profit decreases

In the first quarter of 2008|09 AGRANA, the sugar, starch and fruit group, achieved revenue growth of 10.3% to € 495.1 million (Q1 2007|08: € 449.0 million).


AGRANA acquits itself well in difficult 2007|08 financial year

In the completed 2007|08 financial year the AGRANA Group sustained its growth trajectory in the Starch and Fruit segments despite difficult conditions in raw material procurement


AGRANA - Revenue up 3% - operating profit of € 87.4 million in the first three quarters of 2007|08

Third-quarter operating profit (after exceptionals) at last year’s level


AGRANA expanded by 52.9 per cent in the 2005|06 financial year

The AGRANA Group attained revenue growth of 52.9 per cent to € 1,499.6 million in the 2005|06 financial year (1 March 2005 through 28 February 2006), as against € 981.0 million in 2004|05.


AGRANA Closes the 2004/05 Financial Year with Outstanding Results

As CEO Hans Marihart announced at today’s press conference to present the balance sheet in Vienna, “The AGRANA Group achieved its best-ever consolidated results during the 2004/05 financial year, recording sharp growth in both revenues and profits

AGRANA closes the 2001/02 Financial Year with Outstanding Results